Our Team

Steve & Jo

Steve is the Lead Pastor of Welcome Church, bringing his extensive experience of church leadership to the team, having planted churches in Billingshurst and Chichester prior to joining us in 2017.

Jo is a civil servant working in Education, with a significant leadership gift. As a gifted musician she leads our Worship Team, and is also part of our Strategic Leadership Team.

Sign up to receive Steve’s weekly updates at stevepetch.blog

Our Leaders

The goal of every leader in our church is to serve. We have a gifted, passionate and diverse team who serve our church, our town, and our Commission family of churches.

Our Eldership Team serve us as Pastors, and set the overall vision and direction for the church

Our Strategic Leadership Team serve us in shaping our vision and strategy

Our Ministry Leaders serve the activities of our church

Our Office Team serves the everyday running of our church

Our Trustee Team serve us in legal governance and compliance

We love all our teams!

  • Nnamdi


  • Bev

    Safeguarding Lead

  • Ruby

    Communications Officer

  • Mark

    Operations Manager

  • Harriet

    Welcome Kids Lead, SLT

  • Mike

    Chair of Trustees

  • Eugene


  • Dub

    Outreach Pastor, SLT

  • Simon

    Production Team Lead, SLT

  • Darren

    Director of Operations, SLT

  • Dean


  • Christopher

    Executive Pastor, SLT

  • Helen

    Office Team Volunteer, SLT

  • James

    Welcome Youth Lead

  • Karen

    Welcome Tots Lead

  • Lucy

    Welcome Youth Lead

  • Noah

    Welcome Youth Lead 

  • Beryl

    Welcome Cafe Lead, SLT

  • Tony

    Welcome Team Lead, SLT

  • Margaret


  • Hannah

    Lifegroups & Admin Assistant

  • Jonathan - Leadership Trainee


    Leadership Trainee

  • Sabrina - Leadership Trainee


    Leadership Trainee

  • Alice

    Deputy Safeguarding Lead

  • Mike


  • Hanneke

    Single Mums Lead

  • Tracy

    Safeguarding Lead

  • Libby

    Welcome Kids Plus Lead

  • Robin


  • Anna

    Pastoral Care Team Lead